Heat loss table
Here you can calculate a table of heat losses of different pipe sizes and compare this with the power output of our heating tapes.
The calculation of heat losses is done with the following
Qv= (2 * pi * lambda * (Th - Tmin)) / (ln * (D/d))
Qv Heat loss(W/m)
lambda Thermal conductivity (W/mK)
Th Maintain temperature (°C)
Tmin Minimum ambient temperature (worst case) (°C)
ln natural logarithm
D pipe diameter including insulation thickness (mm)
(pipe diameter + 2 x insulation thickness)
d Outer pipe diameter without insulation(mm)
You can choose the different pipe sizes by the drop down list and
input the insulation thickness into the cell above 'mm' .
The cell with 'W/m' will show the heat loss after calculation, please no data input here
In the text field beneath the calculation table you can see the power output of the heating tape at maintain temperature
A tape that should fit to the table must show a higher output than the calculated heat loss.